What We Want

A world free of gun violence.


Guns have been the leading cause of death for young people for three years in a row. For Black children, it’s been the leading cause of death for almost twenty years. But nothing about the gun violence epidemic is inevitable. This is a choice that our leaders have made for us through their inaction, and it’s a choice we refuse to live with.

We’re fighting back against generations of entrenched forces, but we’re up to the task for a simple reason: We have no other choice. Our leaders have abdicated their moral responsibility to keep us safe, so we’re taking matters into our own hands and working to build a safer, more just world for all of us. Here are just a few of our priorities we’re fighting for to build that world.

Our Agenda in Action

Check out some of our policy wins and calls to action

Youth Power in Action: MFOL Applauds Passage of California’s AB 28 & SB 2

Youth Power in Action: MFOL Applauds Passage of California’s AB 28 & SB 2

MFOL members celebrate the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the Rose Garden.
President Biden Fulfills March For Our Livesā€™ Demand to Create an Office of Gun Violence PreventionĀ 

President Biden Fulfills March For Our Livesā€™ Demand to Create an Office of Gun Violence PreventionĀ 

Tackling the root causes of gun violence

Learning from generations of activists, civil rights leaders, and so many others who came before us, we’ve developed our own framework for change to get to a world that is just, equitable, and where we can all thrive thrive.

But it isn’t enough to simply fight for universal background checks or an assault weapons ban, though those are critical. In order to truly make the gun violence epidemic obsolete, we also have to address the root causes of gun violenceā€”the things that cause someone to pick up a gun to hurt themselves or others in the first place. If we can address those root causes we’ll not only be safer, we’ll live in a healthier, more just, more beautiful future. We call those root causes the “Five Forces that Fuel Gun Violence,” and they hold the key to a transformed future.

The “Five Forces”

As our movement grows, and we keep winning, we continue to update our work, conduct more research, and fight for new and novel solutions to end gun violence. We’re proud to be on the leading edge of the fight for gun safety and healthier communities.

Our impact is growing.

300+ Laws

have been passed at the state and federal level.