What We Want
A world free of gun violence.

Guns have been the leading cause of death for young people for three years in a row. For Black children, it’s been the leading cause of death for almost twenty years. But nothing about the gun violence epidemic is inevitable. This is a choice that our leaders have made for us through their inaction, and it’s a choice we refuse to live with.
We’re fighting back against generations of entrenched forces, but we’re up to the task for a simple reason: We have no other choice. Our leaders have abdicated their moral responsibility to keep us safe, so we’re taking matters into our own hands and working to build a safer, more just world for all of us.
Since we launched our first policy plan in 2021, we’ve been excited to see tremendous progress in the movement—and we’ve gladly changed our plan to remove things we’ve won (yay!) and added proposals as new data and evidence emerges. Leaning on a our wide network of youth activists and adult allies across the gun violence prevention movement, we’ve put together an evidence-based policy plan to end the gun violence epidemic once and for all.
What we want centers on three pillars of action to tackle the direct and indirect causes of gun violence.
Address Access & Prevention
Common sense laws to reasonably limit access to guns, and violence intervention programs are the gold standard of gun safety.
Learn more
Our policy agenda is rooted in what young people in our country tell us they need to be safe. It is grounded in the perspectives of survivors of gun violence and their families. It is bolstered by robust policy analysis and conversations with various stakeholders. And it is preventative, not reactive – proposing solutions that address gun violence long before someone picks up a gun. Read the full “It Ends WIth Us” policy plan here to learn more about our roadmap to end gun violence in America.
Our Agenda in Action
Check out some of our policy wins and calls to action

Youth Power in Action: MFOL Applauds Passage of California’s AB 28 & SB 2

President Biden Fulfills March For Our Lives’ Demand to Create an Office of Gun Violence Prevention

Our impact is growing.
300+ Laws
have been passed at the state and federal level.