Join the fight
End Gun Violence
Since 2018, we’ve mobilized millions of young people to demand what is rightfully ours: a future free of gun violence.

On the Ground
All across the country, we organize young people and march for our lives to demand action.
See how
Since Columbine, more than
students have experienced gun violence at school.
There’s no substitute for getting something done.
We passed the first federal gun safety law in thirty years, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
After a historic second nationwide march following tragedies in Buffalo and Uvalde, we helped champion the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
We defended the constitutionality of assault weapons bans.
We filed a brief defending the Illinois Assault Weapons Ban in federal court with our friends at Brady, and won!
We broke youth voter records in 2018—then we did it again, and again.
Since 2018, young people have voted in record numbers, and we’re going to keep voting for our lives.
We set off a flurry of state gun safety laws in 2018.
Since 2018, over 300 lifesaving gun safety laws have passed across the country.
We defeated the NRA and its CEO, Wayne LaPierre.
After an MFOL letter led to prosecution by the NYAG, the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre was found liable in a civil corruption case.
Everyday violence is an everyday problem.
Trevon Bosley, MFOL Youth Board Member

Be anything but patient. Act now.
Tell Your Rep: Support the People’s Response Act
Send a letter to your representative urging them to support the People’s Response Act.

Register to Vote
Voting is just the first step in demanding action. Register here for the first time, or check your registration to vote.