- Press Release
Youth Power in Action: MFOL Applauds Passage of California's AB 28 & SB 2
SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, Governor Newsom proved that California is once again a leader in gun safety. We’re so pleased to see that the Governor signed not one but two crucial pieces of legislation into law. The first bill, AB 28, will provide a critical and consistent funding source for evidence-based gun violence prevention programs like community violence intervention programs, to the tune of $160 million a year. Finally, the gun industry will begin to pay for the carnage that their weapons cause in our communities instead of forcing taxpayers to foot their bill. The second bill, SB 2, will address the aftermath of NYSPRA v. Bruen, which impacted California’s concealed carry laws. This bill will strengthen state laws to ensure a high standard of safety and responsibility for gun owners.
From rallying with community members to sending letters to legislators in March urging them to act, to just last month when we hosted a lobby day with students and activists at the California State Capitol (photo below), March For Our Lives and young people across the Golden State have consistently fought for the passage of these bills, and because of them, lives will be saved. We applaud the governor and our state leaders for moving the needle on gun safety and committing to protecting our lives.