• Press Release

March For Our Lives Announces Endorsements in Michigan

New York, NY — Today, March For Our Lives is announcing our endorsement of several candidates running for office in Michigan ahead of the 2024 election. Each of these candidates has demonstrated a commitment to fighting gun violence, protecting young people, and giving us a seat at the table. This marks our second round of endorsements, following our announcement of support for candidates in Arizona earlier this week. We will be releasing our other endorsements in Florida and New York in the coming days. 

March For Our Lives is proud to endorse Elissa Slotkin for US Senate, Curtis Hertel for Congress in MI-07, and Rashida Tlaib for Congress in MI-12 

US Senate: Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin 

March For Our Lives is pleased to endorse Elissa Slotkin for US Senate, to hold a must-win seat that will help clear the path for gun safety legislation in the Senate. Gun violence is a personal issue for Congresswoman Slotkin––she represented a district with two mass shootings, at Michigan State University and Oxford High School. During her time in Congress, she has fought for gun safety reforms and has committed to continuing that fight in the Senate. We know she will be a tireless champion for gun safety. 

In contrast, Rep. Slotkin’s opponent, Mike Rogers, is endorsed and funded by the NRA. He has consistently opposed gun safety legislation and even after the most recent shooting in Georgia, he has refused to call for any type of reform. While in Congress, Rogers let the assault weapon ban expire and consistently voted with the gun lobby.  CIRCLE identified this race as the #3 Senate race where the youth vote can have the most significant impact.

Michigan’s Seventh Congressional District: Curtis Hertel

Former State Senator Curtis Hertel is a relentless advocate for gun violence prevention and the issue is deeply personal to him––his son was on campus during the Michigan State University shooting in 2023. Senator Hertel led Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s policy team in passing one of the most comprehensive gun safety packages in recent history and we know will work to implement similar measures in Congress. We’re proud to endorse Curtis Hertel. 

Meanwhile, his opponent Tom Barrett has highlighted his membership in the NRA and consistently voted in favor of their agenda in the state House and Senate, even earning a 100% rating in 2022. He’s also accepted money from the NRA and co-sponsored legislation to allow permitless carry and exempt Michigan from following federal gun laws.

Michigan’s 12th Congressional District: Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib

Representing Michigan’s 12th congressional district, Rashida Tlaib has consistently backed universal background checks, extreme risk protection orders, a ban on assault weapons, and has championed community-based violence intervention programs, and emphasized the need to address the root causes of gun violence. She is a proven and tested leader on gun safety, and we’re pleased to endorse her. Meanwhile, her opponent James Hooper has largely stayed silent on addressing gun violence directly. The only public stance he’s taken on the issue is his declaration as a “strong proponent of the un-infringeable nature of the Second Amendment.” Beyond this, Hooper has not offered any concrete policy proposals or measures to address the gun violence epidemic, focusing instead on defending gun ownership rights as a protection against tyranny.

Since our founding, March for Our Lives has driven youth voter turnout to record highs, and the 2024 election will be no different. Gun violence remains a central issue for young voters and is currently ranked among the top three issues for youth nationwide in this election cycle.

By securing our endorsement, these candidates position themselves strongly to capture the youth vote.

“We are proud to support these leaders who dare to stand up to the gun lobby and advocate for policies that will save lives in Michigan,” said Natalie Fall, Executive Director of March For Our Lives. “Young people across the country are demanding change, and Michigan is a critical battleground to determine whether we can deliver that change. We’re enthused to organize with countless young people across the state to make it happen. This is just the beginning. As we continue to roll out endorsements across the country, we’re sending a clear message: candidates who prioritize gun safety will have the full support of young voters. Our momentum is building, and we are committed to making gun violence prevention a top priority in this election.”

Last month, March For Our Lives made our first-ever endorsement, coming out in support of Kamala Harris. But we know that to make meaningful progress on gun safety, we need champions at all levels of government. That’s why we are building on that momentum to meet this moment. We have carefully evaluated candidates for Congress, opting only to endorse those who share our commitment to preventing gun violence with a holistic vision and community-based solutions. The candidates we endorse have demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues surrounding gun violence and have committed to prioritizing young people’s voices while in office. They have agreed to fight for several of our policy priorities including firearm regulation and access, creating safe and healthy communities, and promoting a democracy for all. We’re excited to hit the streets and fight for them. 
