- Press Release
Is this Freedom? Yet Again, a Young Male Shooter Commits Mass Shooting with a High-Powered Rifle.
New York, NY – We are grieving for the horrific loss of life in Highland Park, and the carnage brought on by a high-powered rifle. We wish eternal peace for those who were murdered, and we will fight like hell for the living.
After every mass shooting we say unequivocally: This is not normal. This is a preventable disease. Not one more person needs to die to a gun. We know how to stop this. America’s children and young people will not be cowed by fear and we will not surrender our lives to guns and death. Just three weeks ago, young people organized a March For Our Lives in Highland Park, along with communities across the country. Today, horrific gun violence steals life from this very city. This is what we mean when we say it is only a matter of time. We will not surrender our lives or our futures to guns or the death cult that valorizes them at the expense of human life.
In the midst of the senseless tragedy in Highland Park, we also mourn for the dozens shot and the nine people killed in Chicago this weekend in mass shootings that will not make national headlines. Their lives mattered, and we will honor them with action. To all of those who join us in the community of survivors and those left behind by tragedy, we fight on.