• Press Release

March For Our Lives Responds to the President: “Speeches are nice, but it’s time for action”

Washington, DC – We’re glad to see the President speak and are encouraged by his words, including his call for tangible pieces of legislation like repealing PLCAA, curbing easy access to weapons of war, safe storage laws and more, but now is the time for action. We know what we need, it’s our elected officials who haven’t acted. Our elected leaders are failing us. We’ve asked the President time and time again to take action where he can, urgently, to save our lives including naming a Director of Gun Violence Prevention. We are still waiting for more urgency including in the moments when gun violence doesn’t make it on the front pages. None of our leaders have done enough and children are dying. From Buffalo to Uvalde, to Tulsa just yesterday and Wisconsin and elsewhere today, we are dying. We’ve had enough thoughts and prayers, it’s time for action. We marched in 2018 and saw a flurry of state-level action—that’s why we’re marching again today and we demand federal action. It’s time to flood the streets on June 11th to demand that the Senate passes universal background checks, and President Biden must follow through on his word to push congress for action.
